Developing Confident and Successful Learners

About our main tutors:

Primary Head Tutor

Eddyson is a very experienced teacher and private tutor, with more than 8 years of teaching experience in a renowned Special Assistance Plan (SAP) primary school. He is able to assess your child and identify learning gaps, closing those gaps and customize the teaching materials and provide effective feedback to your child.

As an experienced educator, Eddyson is very sharp and able to look for details. His questioning skills enable him to scaffold learning and probe understanding. That is very important as he is able to correct misconception of Mathematics and reinforce teaching point or expand on an idea. Thus, he often integrates assessment into his teaching to provide additional learning experiences for students.

Eddyson firmly believes that teaching philosophy of involving student’s participation in class for their learning is extremely important. Instead of giving answers directly, he leads the students to explore, investigate and find the answer on their own. He also understands that practice must include repetition and variation to achieve proficiency. Practices in the form of games and hands-on activities are quite frequently used in his class. He himself is reflective which also translates into his class. He asks his students to reflect on what they learn after each topic.

With the rich experience in school and private tutoring, Eddyson will definitely improve your child’s result.


Secondary Head Tutor

Kevin is a very experienced tutor with at least 5 years of teaching experience. Since he has the passion for teaching, he ventured into both private tutoring as well as group tutoring. His experiences range from Vaster Education to High Achievers Academy.

Kevin also firmly believes that teaching philosophy of involving students in their learning. Instead of giving answers directly, he leads the students to explore, investigate and find the answer on their own. He also understands that practice must include repetition and variation to achieve proficiency. Kevin gives intensive practices and worksheets to help our students polish up any possible gaps during their learning in Ace In Math. He asks his students to reflect on what they learn after each topic and gives real life examples and problems to analyze.

Kevin is extremely sharp in identifying student’s ability and their common errors. He identifies small commonly neglected areas for students to obtain their rightful method mark. For advanced questions, he meticulously breaks down the problem to help weaker students to cope and manage with their understanding.

With his passion and experiences, Kevin will literally lead your child to Ace in Math.